What to Invest In, How to Invest & Where to Invest Money (Beginner Investor)

The wide array of available investment products can sometimes be overwhelming for new / beginning investors, most especially for those who do not have anyone they can easily turn to for investing advice. The most common investing issues involve: What to invest in, how to invest and where to invest money.

What to invest in and where to invest money?

“What to invest in?” and “Where to invest money?” are two key questions frequently asked by beginning investors. A new investor has the option of investing his or her money in a wide range of financial instruments that can generate high or low returns on their money. Some investors (retirees, etc.) may be contented with low returns due to the relative safety, regularity and assumed guarantee of such earnings (like the one provided by Bonds). Other investors, however, depending on their age, financial goal and risk tolerance, are more interested in high return / high risks instruments to invest in.


Below is a summary list of the most common types of financial products that a beginner investor can money in:

Common Financial Products – New / Beginning Investor (What and Where to invest money?)

  1. Growth Stocks (What is a "Growth" Company?)
  2. Value Stocks (Investing in Value/Income Stocks)
  3. Mutual Funds (Mutual Funds vs. Exchange Traded Funds)
  4. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  5. Bonds (Are Bonds still a Good Investment?)
  6. High Yield Checking Accounts (banks like Provident Bank provide high yield online checking accounts)
  7. Alternative Investments (Options, Futures, Forex, Gold, Real Estate, Etc.)

How to invest money (New / Beginning Investor)?

The question: “how do I invest my money?” is one that is often asked a lot by new beginner investors. Below are various options a new investors can explore to determine how best to invest their money.

  1. Open a brokerage account and conduct your own investing (as an individual investor).
    The brokerage account you open should be one that offers you the overall option of investing your money in any one of the financial instruments listed above.
  2. Another way to invest your invest your money will be via the use of a Financial Advisor (Choosing the Right Investment Advisor and Financial Planner)
  3. You can also invest money in a 401K Plan (How to invest in a 401K Plan)

Note: There is normally a steep learning curve for beginner investors looking to invest their own money rather than using a Financial Advisor. However, at some point, you’ll become very comfortable identifying stocks (to buy, sell, hold, or trade) and conducting your own detailed research.

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Best of luck in your investing,

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